Grasslands Restoration Projects

Working with partner organizations, agencies, and funders, as well as a growing army of “grassroots grasslands conservation volunteers,” the Southeastern Grasslands Institute is working to bring back native grasslands across our focal area. We do this by:

Boone’s Prairie, an SGI restoration site, Dunbar Cave State Park - Photo by Rebecca Johnson

Boone’s Prairie, an SGI restoration site, Dunbar Cave State Park - Photo by Rebecca Johnson

  1. Identifying degraded grassland sites that will respond positively to management, such as thinning of dense encroaching woody vegetation prescribed fire (our “Restoration” strategy).

  2. Identifying “lost” grassland sites that can be restored using a combination of management and planting of native species (our Re-creation strategy).

  3. Developing seed resources by collecting high quality native seed locally and using it as stock for the production of seed to be used in degraded grasslands.