West Gulf Coastal Plain Blackland Prairie, Terre Noire Prairie Natural Area, Clark Co., Arkansas
Credit: Bill Holimon

West Gulf Coastal Plain Blackland Prairie, The Nature Conservancy's Terre Noire, Prairie Ridge Preserve, Clark County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt
West Gulf Coastal Plain Blackland Prairie, Terre Noire Prairie Natural Area, Clark Co., Arkansas
Credit: Bill Holimon

West Gulf Coastal Plain Blackland Prairie, Carpenter Road Prairie, Winn Parrish, Louisiana
Credit: Reed Noss

Peacock, E. and T. Schauwecker. 2003. Blackland Prairies of the Gulf Coastal Plain: Nature, Culture, and Sustainability. The University of Alabama Press.
(with revisions by Lee Echols to include Georgia prairies and McNairy Co., TN)

Attwater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri) is a critically endangered bird known from fewer than 100 individuals of the Texas Coastal Prairie.
Credit: Peter Berglin

Credit: Reed Noss

Catahoula Barrens, Kistachie National Forest, Louisiana
Credit: Reed Noss

West Gulf Coastal Plain Kisatchie Hills Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Sandstone Woodland & Savanna, Red Dirt National Wildlife Management Preserve, Kisatchie N.F., Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana
Credit: Alan Cressler

West Gulf Coastal Plain Kisatchie Hills Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Sandstone Woodland & Savanna, Red Dirt National Wildlife Management Preserve, Kisatchie N.F., Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana
Credit: Alan Cressler

West Gulf Coastal Plain Loblolly Pine Savanna, Kingsland Prairie Natural Area, Cleveland County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Loblolly Pine Savanna, Kingsland Prairie Natural Area, Cleveland County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Lololly Pine Woodlands, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Bradley Co., Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Loblolly Pine Savanna, Warren Prairie State Natural Area, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

Painted tree marking red-cockaded woopecker nest tree, West Gulf Coastal Plain Loblolly Pine Savanna, Warren Prairie State Natural Area, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Oak-Dwarf Palmetto Woodlands, Warren Prairie State Natural Area, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Igneous (Nepheline Syenite) Glade, TNC's Dry Lost Creek Preserve, Saline County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Igneous (Nepheline Syenite) Glade, TNC's Dry Lost Creek Preserve, Saline County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Igneous (Nepheline Syenite) Glade, TNC's Dry Lost Creek Preserve, Saline County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Igneous (Nepheline Syenite) Glade, TNC's Dry Lost Creek Preserve, Saline County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Igneous (Nepheline Syenite) Glade, TNC's Dry Lost Creek Preserve, Saline County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Plain Wet Prairie, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Bradley County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Saline Barren, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Bradley County, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Saline Barren, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Bradley Co., Arkansas
Credit: Reed Noss

West Gulf Coastal Plain Saline Barren, Warren Prairie State Natural Area, Arkansas
Credit: Eric Hunt

West Gulf Coastal Plain Weches Limestone Glade, San Augustine Co., Texas
Credit: John Williams

Sarracenia alata (Yellow Trumpets) in West Gulf Coastal Plain Hillside Seepage Bog, Middle Branch Hillside Seep Bog, Kisatchie National Forest, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana
Credit: Alan Cressler

Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Leuconotopicus borealis)
Credit: Thinkstock

West Gulf Coastal Plain Coastal Salt Marsh, Spartina alterniflora, Gambusia Marsh, Gambusia Marsh Trail, Sea Rim State Park, Jefferson County, Texas
Credit: Alan Cressler

West Gulf Coastal Plain Coastal Salt Marsh, Galveston Island State Park, Galveston Co., Texas
Credit: Alan Cressler

Credit: Reed Noss
George Diggs in a Red River Prairie remnant full of Baptisia hybrids. Grayson Co., TX
Alophia drummondii blooming on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Wild turkeys in Willacy Co., TX
Jackrabbit hiding in the grass in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Whitetail deer looking back through Cylindropuntia leptocaulis in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Coastal prairie in Willacy Co., TX
Yucca treculiana in a coastal prairie in Willacy Co., TX
Marsh in Fort Bend Co., TX
Blackland Prairie remnant with Delphinium carolinianum and Echinacea atrorubens in Grayson Co., TX
Castilleja citrina in Collin Co., TX
Old oak tree in a savanna remnant in Grayson Co., TX
Baptisia hybrid in Grayson Co., TX
Wet savanna in the pineywoods ecoregion in Hardin Co., TX
Blackland Prairie remnant on chalky prairie in Collin Co., TX
Post Oak Savanna remnant in Anderson Co., TX
Blackland Prairie remnant in a historic cemetery in Collin Co., TX
Liatris mucronata superbloom in a Blackland Prairie restoration in Grayson Co., TX
Degraded savanna remnant in Grayson Co., TX
Rudbeckia maxima growing in a Silveus' Dropseed (Sporobolus silveanus) prairie remnant in Lamar Co., TX
Bog in the post oak savanna ecoregion of Texas, Anderson Co.
Red River Prairie remnant full of hybrid and introgressed Baptisia plants. Grayson Co.
Blackland prairie remnant in Grayson Co., TX
Allium drummondii and Castilleja purpurea blooming in the springtime at Clymer Meadow (Hunt Co., TX), the largest remaining Blackland Prairie remnant
Sarracenia alata pitchers in a sandy bog in the Pineywoods ecoregion of Texas, Hardin Co.
Red River Prairie remnant in Grayson Co., TX full of Nemastylis geminiflora
Limestone Prairie in Travis Co., TX
Savanna remnant on deep sandy soils in the Post Oak Savanna ecoregion of Texas in Anderson Co.

Castilleja indivisa blooming in a prairie restoration in Collin Co., TX
Large stand of seacoast bluestem (Schizachyrium littorale) with Monarda fruticulosa on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Wet savanna in Hardin Co., TX
Balcones Canyonlands in Travis Co., TX
Silphium albiflorum growing on limestone in Travis Co., TX
Fields of Gaillardia pulchella on limestone in Travis Co., TX
Texas tortoise in front of Tephrosia lindheimeri on a roadside in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Nolina lindheimeriana on a limestone prairie in Travis Co., TX
Lantana urticoides in front of some dunes on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Abronia ameliae on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Opuntia lindheimeri on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Yucca rupicola flowering above a matrix of limestone prairies and woodlands in Travis Co., TX
Monarda citriorda and Ratibida columnifera in a limestone prairie in Travis Co., TX
Dunes and coastal prairie in Willacy Co., TX
Coastal prairie in Willacy Co., TX
Foggy sunrise on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX
Foggy sunrise on the South Texas Sandsheet in Jim Hogg Co., TX

Castilleja indivisa blooming in a prairie restoration in Collin Co., TX