Southern Ridge and Valley Shortleaf Pine-Oak Savanna, Catoosa Co., Georgia
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Savanna remnant, Sevier Co., Tennessee
Credit: Hal R. DeSelm

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Savanna
Credit: Hal R DeSelm

Credit: Hal DeSelm

Southern Ridge and Valley Shortleaf Pine-Oak Savanna (Dry Prairie within the Coosa Prairie complex), Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Shortleaf Pine-Oak Savanna (“Coosa Prairie”), Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Barren, Grand Prairie ("Coosa Valley Prairies"), Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Barren, Grand Prairie, "Coosa Valley Prairies", Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Barren, Grand Prairie, "Coosa Valley Prairies", Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Wavy-Leaf Purple Coneflower (Echinacea simulata) in Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Barren ("Coosa Prairie"), Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Barren, Grand Prairie, Coosa Valley Prairies, Floyd Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren, Grand Prairie, Coosa Valley Prairies Preserve, Floyd Co., GA
Credit: Richard Ware

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren, Grand Prairie, Coosa Valley Prairies Preserve, Floyd Co., GA
Credit: Richard Ware
Northern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren, Bedford Co., PA
Credit: Chris Tracey
Northern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren, Bedford Co., PA
Credit: Chris Tracey

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Glade, Chickamauga National Battlefield, Catoosa Co., GA
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Glade, Cedar Glade No. 5, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Catoosa County, Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Glade, Cedar Glade No. 6, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Catoosa County, Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Barrens, Cleveland Barrens Natural Area Preserve, Russell Co., Virginia
Credit: Reed Noss

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren, The Cedars Natural Area Preserve, Lee Co., Virginia
Credit: Chris Ludwig

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren, above Tennessee River, Meigs Co., Tennessee
Credit: Todd Crabtree

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Barren above Tennessee River, Meigs Co., Tennessee
Credit: Adam Dattilo

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Barren, Anderson Co., Tennessee
Credit: Hal R. DeSelm

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Barren, Anderson Co., Tennessee
Credit: Hal R. DeSelm

Credit: Hal R DeSelm

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Glade, "Gunstocker Glade", Meigs Co., Tennessee
Credit: Hal R. DeSelm

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Savanna & Glade, ("Gunstocker Glade"), Meigs Co., Tennessee
Credit: Hal R DeSelm

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Glade, ("Hixson Glade"), Hamilton Co., Tennessee
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Clematis fremontii (Fremont's Leatherflower) on a Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Glade, Hixson Glade, Hamilton Co., Tennessee
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Ketona Dolomite Barren, (“Ketona Glade”), Kathy Stiles Freeland Preserve, Bibb Co., Alabama
Credit: Reed Noss

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Barren, "Ketona Glade," Bibb Co., Alabama
Credit: Eric Hunt

Southern Ridge and Valley Ketona Dolomite Barren, (“Ketona Glade”), Kathy Stiles Freeland Preserve, Bibb Co., Alabama
Credit: Alan Cressler

Central Ridge and Valley Shale Barren & Woodland, Cowpasture River Valley, Virginia
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Central Ridge and Valley Shale Barren, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Credit: Reed Noss

Central Ridge and Valley Shale Woodland, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Credit: Reed Noss

Southern Ridge and Valley Shale Barren, Taylor Ridge, Chattahoochee National Forest, Chatooga Co., Georgia
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Shale Barren (degraded), Hendry Hollow, Greene Co., Tennessee
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Shale Barren (degraded), Hendry Hollow, Greene Co., Tennessee
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Sandstone Outcrop & Barrens, Shoal Creek Mountains, St. Clair Co., Alabama
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Prairie Fen, Coosa Prairies Preserve, Floyd Co., GA
Credit: Zach Irick

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Seep, Claiborne Co., Tennessee
Credit: Aaron Floden

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Seepage Fen, Campbell Co., Tennessee
Credit: Roger McCoy

Southern Ridge and Valley Dolomite Seepage Fen, Campbell Co., Tennessee
Credit: Aaron Floden

Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Fen, Catoosa Co., Georgia
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Inland Salt Marsh, Saltville, Smyth Co., VA
Credit: Gary P. Fleming, VA Natural Heritage Program

Southern Ridge and Valley Depression Pond Marsh, Frog Pond, Choccolocco Wildlife Management Area, Calhoun County, Alabama
Credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Sandstone Mountain Longleaf Pine Woodland & Savanna, Mountain Longleaf Pine National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun Co., Alabama
Credit: Michelle Reynolds

Southern Ridge and Valley Dry Sandstone Woodland, Catoosa Co., Georgia
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Dry Sandstone Woodland, Catoosa Co., Georgia
Credit: Dwayne Estes

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Seepage Fen, Coosa Valley Prairie Preserve, Floyd Co., GA
Credit: Richard Ware

Southern Ridge and Valley Wet Savanna with Helianthus verticillatus (Whorled Sunflower), Coosa Valley Prairies, Floyd County, Georgia
Photo credit: Alan Cressler

Southern Ridge and Valley Limestone Seepage Fen, Coosa Valley Prairie Preserve, Floyd Co., GA
Credit: Alan Cressler