Seedlists by Ecoregion for Native Grassland Restoration and Re-creation
(under construction)
This section is currently under construction. Later in 2019, however, SGI members will be able to click on each ecoregion map below. From there you will be able to narrow down your search to the EPA Level IV Ecoregion. For example, you will be able to click the Interior Low Plateau icon below and you will be taken to a new page that will then provide options to search within the finer level ecoregions of the Interior Plateaus, such as the Eastern Highland Rim, Inner Nashville Basin, Pennyroyal Plain, etc.
Within each Level IV ecoregion, specific lists will be provided for the various grassland types (e.g. Western Highland Rim Calcareous Wet Meadow or Eastern Highland Rim Acidic Hardpan Prairie). Species lists for each region are being assembled using a combination of published scientific literature, unpublished survey data and reports, herbarium specimen records, and consultation with regional experts.
The goal is to provide authoritative lists of trees, shrubs, woody vines, herbaceous vines, forbs, grasses, sedges, rushes, ferns, and fern allies that should be given priority for ecological restoration or landscape architecture projects within each region.
Allegheny Plateau
Atlantic Coastal Plain
Blue Ridge Mountains
Central Appalachian Mountains
Mississippi Alluvial Plain
West Gulf Coastal Plain
Peninsular Florida Coastal Plain
Ridge and Valley